Auctores GmbH
Amberger Straße 82
92318 Neumarkt
Tel.: +49 9181 5095-0
Fax: +49 9181 5095-200
Trendhaus Handelsgesellschaft mbH
Mühlweg 15
D-92369 Sengenthal-Reichertshofen, Germany
Phone: +49 9181 32024-0
Fax: +49 9181 32024-99
Manager: Sandra Benkler
VAT ID No.: DE 201918508
Commercial register court: HRB Nürnberg 16334
Tax number Switzerland: 721298
EAR registration number: WEEE reg. no. DE 8355 9173
Unless indicated separately, all images rights are held by Trendhaus Handelsgesellschaft mbH. Agency images are listed here.
We rule out all liability, particularly for any damages or consequences incurred through use of the content depicted on this server. No liability is assumed for the completeness of accuracy of the depicted data. Nor can any liability be assumed for whether such data are free of third-party rights.
We have no influence over the content on external websites. Hyperlinks leading away from this website were created after viewing the linked-to sites. However, websites often experience changes. Therefore, should an external link not work or not lead to the indicated target, please let us know – we are happy to correct any mistakes. Should you have reason to object to the content on a linked-to site, please contact the operator of such site.
All content on this server is subject to copyright, particularly all graphics, photos, buttons, and other design elements.
Auctores GmbH
Amberger Straße 82
D-92318 Neumarkt
Tel.: +49 9181 5095-0
Fax: +49 9181 5095-200